Spitalfields branch

5 Toynbee Street
London E1 7NE
Mon-Fri: 11am-9pm
Sat-Sun: 11am-8pm
Bank holiday: call us!

Holborn branch

53 Theobalds Road
London WC1X 8SP
Mon-Fri: 11am-9pm
Sat: 11am-8pm
Sun: Closed
Bank holiday: call us!
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Massage and Long COVID

The Office of National Statistics estimate over 2 million people in the UK are (as of October 2022) suffering from “Long COVID” – symptoms continuing at least a month after infection. Over 1 million of these people reported having been infected at least a year earlier. That is an awfully long time to be suffering […]

Massage and the lymphatic system

Your lymph system is a network of vessels and nodes that transports lymphatic fluid (called lymph) around the body. The system has a range of functions including transport of: fats from the digestive system, white blood cells that help fight infections, and waste and toxins from cells. It is a little bit like your cardiovascular […]

Christmas 2022 closing times

Please note, both our branches will be closed from Thursday 22nd December through Sunday 1st January. We will be open again as usual from Monday 2nd January We wish all our lovely customers a very happy Christmas and New Year, and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2023 From your friends at […]

Closing for Easter Holiday

Wishing all our customers, family, friends and colleagues a very happy Songkran (Thai new year) and Easter! Both our shops (in Holborn and Spitalfields) will be closed for four days over Easter, from Friday 15th April to Monday 18th April. We'll be open again as usual from Tuesday 19th April. Hope you all have some […]

Massage and the “Good Hormones”

We have written before about some research carried out in Los Angeles sponsored by NIH which measured changes in hormone levels before and after a massage. The study observed measurable decreases in cortisol – the stress hormone – as well as increases in lymphocytes, the white blood cells that form a key part of the […]

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