Spitalfields branch

5 Toynbee Street
London E1 7NE
Mon-Fri: 11am-9pm
Sat-Sun: 11am-8pm
Bank holiday: call us!

Holborn branch

53 Theobalds Road
London WC1X 8SP
Mon-Fri: 11am-9pm
Sat: 11am-8pm
Sun: Closed
Bank holiday: call us!
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Introduction to Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial release therapy is a specialized massage technique that focuses on releasing tension and tightness in the myofascial tissues. That is a circular definition of course so to better understand it, let’s first examine what myofascial tissue is and its role. Myofascial tissue is the thin flexible connective tissue that encases and supports muscles, bones, […]

Shiatsu Massage Compared to Thai Massage

Shiatsu, translating roughly as “finger pressure”, is a style of massage originating in Japan. By the standards of traditional Chinese and Thai medicine it is relatively young, having been developed during the 1920s. However, its roots go much further back, to a traditional Japanese massage modality called “Amna”, itself derived from Chinese Tui Na massage. […]

Pros and Cons of Booking a Home Massage

We know that most customers wanting a massage in London have a wide range of choice. The first decision is whether to book a massage at home through one of the popular at-home providers, or to visit one of the many massage shops or spas in the capital. We do not provide an at-home (sometimes […]

Easter 2023 opening times

Just a quick message to confirm opening times over this Easter (2023) weekend: We want to wish you all a very happy Easter (and Songkran to our Thai friends), and hope we will see you for a massage soon!

Ancient traditions of Thai massage: Sen lines

Central to the traditions of Thai medicine, spanning more than 2,000 years, is the concept of ‘Sen lines’. These lines are believed to play a vital role in maintaining health, both physical and emotional. Here we explore a little more of the tradition of Sen lines and how they are used in Thai massage therapy. […]

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