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Spring Detox and Massage

Spring is usually associated with cleansing and cleaning, so this spring why not combine a spring detox and massage?

The art of detoxifying the body stems from ancient traditions.

In Ayurvedic medicine, spring is the perfect season to do a cleanse and help the body renew itself. This philosophy is based on three different body types or doshas, each with its own characteristics. For example, if your circulation is sluggish you may feel the cold more and crave warm foods. A practitioner assesses your current state of health and will make recommendations for foods to eat and those to avoid, as well as for lifestyle changes including exercise such as yoga.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the aim is to rebalance the body after the sluggishness of winter. The body reacts to each season differently and we need to support it through a correct nutritional approach, but also through the right amount of exercise and rest. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the ultimate goal is to empower the patient to heal herself and to make the role of the doctor redundant. In other words, prevention is better than cure.

All these techniques share the same goal: to help the liver do its job, which is to filter our blood and naturally detoxify our body.

You can choose some herbal teas to support your liver function, for example fennel, ginger or dandelion tea. Your food choices could include dark leafy vegetables, broccoli and cabbage to add fibre and minerals to your diet. If you are considering making any lifestyle changes, it is always best to speak to a qualified professional.

Cleansing is not simply a matter of weight loss: a spring clean gives the body an opportunity to function at its best, process food efficiently and eliminate it. This results in better skin, improved mental clarity, better sleep and more.

The process of observing how we adapt to the seasons can help us build our self-awareness and take better care of ourselves.

The best form of self-care is to schedule regular massage treatments to help rebalance both body and mind. Using acupressure points along the body can induce a lasting state of relaxation, while gentle tissue manipulation can work to support the lymphatic system, which is responsible for detoxifying the body.

Detoxing Myths

You have probably heard that we carry too many toxins in our bodies and that a detox programme will get rid of them. The reality is that our bodies are more than capable of taking care of their own detoxification process, however what we can do is to help our organs function at their best. This can be achieved by avoiding processed foods, which take longer to digest and rob us of energy, and increase our intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, which give us energy.

Where does massage fit with the body’s detoxification process? While studies haven’t proved yet that massage in itself helps the body get rid of toxins, it is true that massage can have a beneficial effect on circulation. Therefore, if you have a sedentary job and during the winter months you haven’t exercised enough, you can have a course of massage treatments to get you more motivated and energised in the months ahead in the run up to summer, when we all feel more active.

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